Coming up with new characters: Generic Gary - Blog 2

Coming up with new characters: Generic Gary - Blog 2

A more in depth look at the character Generic Gary


Building The Brand
Connecting with the Community
Final thoughts


Was Generic Gary Ever a Thought?

At first, creating different characters wasn’t a goal of mine. I was still trying to focus on the following.

  • Building the business brand,
  • Connecting with the community,
  • & Marketing

Thankfully, these three aspects helped generate Generic Gary, the first of many characters that will be a part if the Art By Hedwyn brand. Will there be more characters in the future, completely different, the same style? Stay tuned to find out!


Building The Brand

While building the brand, I was in a search of finding out which kind of business I would like to be seen as. A super serious fancy brand that takes themselves way too seriously? Or a multifaceted brand with the goal of being fun and engaging, I preferred that route. So that meant I had to find a way to keep a through line within my designs if I wanted to keep making the different styles you see on the shop.

 Art By Hedwyn - Collections by Designs and Types


Connecting With The Community

To connect with an audience means to relate, to engage and to share with each other. I’d love to get to a point where everyone sees the common goal of this community and joins in. Sure this is a business, but first and foremost, I want it to be a place where people feel comfortable, safe, loved. My designs reflect that as much as possible, from the abstract art, to the written designs. I post as often as I can on Instagram, Youtube, Tiktok, Facebook, Reddit, Pinterest, wherever I can stretch myself realistically so that I reach more of you out there! Which leads to the marketing aspect!


Marketing to the outside world

It’s a tricky thing, marketing. Social media has become a cesspool of e-commerce, so I try not to add to it by sticking with the authenticity of the brand. It takes effort, patience, and determination to get something off the ground. Especially a brand like mine where there are thousands in the world. Why would you want to stick with Art By Hedwyn rather than anything else? Well, we’ll find that out together! No, I think the genuine nature, the openness and the positive energy will be the deciding factors.


Generic Gary

So what does this all mean for Generic Gary? Well, as I mentioned before, it wasn’t a plan just yet, but once I thought of the idea. I thought it would a great way to shape the rest of the brand! He’s meant to be as simple as a design can get, to allow anyone to express themselves through him. So while he has a physical shape and name, he’s still just a blank canvas for you to paint your colors onto. Relatable expressions, but unique enough that you won’t find it many other places. As I established Generic Gary, eventually I’d love to expand to a second character, maybe in a completely different drawing style but still with the same feel and humor.


Final Thoughts

So lastly, I welcome you all to the journey of Generic Gary! He’ll definitely be the first of many! As time passes, more of his personality with develop and moments will change his character. He’s meant to be accessible, so maybe in the future we’ll see other characters with different personalities and backgrounds!


That’s all for the blog! Feel free to comment and let me know what you’re excited to see in the future! Check out the store at or click on the logo at the top! 

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